Meet ChrissyBoy🖖🏻, full name Christopher Reynolds. He is 29 years old and was born in Vancouver, Canada. He resided in Australia for about 10 years, and has now returned to his home country of Canada.
ChrissyBoy first discovered his passion for music while participating in the elementary school concert band. Quoted in an interview, “I just love music and started to play around with fruity loops in high school”. After high school, Christopher took a long time to get back into music due to focusing on other work and education. He began to make music again within the last few years It was also mentioned in the interview that one of his main reasons for creating music again was for catharsis.
Chrissyboy has a unique music style. He puts his music under the genre of hip-hop and alternative pop, even adding a country twist at times. His most successful track is titled Aintseenitshine, and he has managed to rack up more plays on this than any other track he’s released. Regardless of this track doing the best numbers, he humbly mentioned that his favorite track is SoWoman because he is proud of the way it was put together.
There are a number of rappers that ChrissyBoy mentioned have inspired him. Some of the artists include Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, 50 cent, Paul McCartney, Henry Mancini, Alicia Keys, and Justin Bieber. He truly has a passion and love for music and doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.
Instagram: mrflykick