Christian Warren is a 22 year old recording artist hailing from Brooklyn, New York and currently residing in New Jersey.

He first began creating music in 2016–17 after finding out that one of his closest friends at the time was rapping. He was influenced by him and tried freestyling. Over time he worked on himself and improved, seeing quick results as he became better at it.
Christian mentioned that his style of music is hard to say because of how versatile he is, but he would fit his music under the Rap and R&B genres. His most successful track to date is titled “Dangerous” which is the track he is most proud of. He mentioned that the track is very clean and well put together.

There are several notable artists whom inspire him, some of which include J Cole, Dave East, Lil Baby, Hopsin, and several underground rappers as well.
A note from the artist: “I’m a person that when there’s a task at hand I’m doing everything I can to get it done, I have been doing a lot of this for fun really because when you do the things you love the world eventually will come with it and I see a lot more for myself down the line as I improve in this rap game”.