Doperdansilky is an upcoming recording artist hailing from Bajos de Haina, DR and residing in Paterson, New Jersey.

He first began creating music as a solo artist this year, however he’s been involved in music since 2017 when opening RipeStudio. He mentioned that music has always been a part of his life so its hard to say when he started, and he grew up with family that always kept music on around the house.

Doperdansilky’s most successful track to date is titled “La Ganga Ta Completa”. He has a video out for it and it’s gained lots of positive traction. There are several artists whom inspire him, most of which are those that are around him including Leshley who he mentioned inspires him most.
Doperdansilky is just at the beginning of his music career and he is an artist to be on the lookout for. He is currently in the works of new music that will be available in the near future.