Morning$tar is an upcoming recording artist from California, residing in Nashville.

He first began by building his first home studio in his bedroom made of plywood which he soundproofed. Quoted from an interview, “My engineering table was on 2 tv dinner tables, infront of my futon, yes my studio was in my tiny room, as funny as it souinds the futon was perfect cause my room was small and it made a pretty cool sofa”.

Morning$tar creates music under the Hip Hop genre with a mix of Rock. He calls it Hip Rock, but technically its Pop Rock. His most successful track to date is titled “Throwback”. His debut as a Pop Rock artist “Feedback” will be coming out on December 16th.
There are 2 artists whom inspire him named Nikki Williams and Julie Garcia. He mentioned that Nikki has insane melodies and thought process in lyrics, and that Julie has a free spirit in writing.