Meet A2P Mir, hailing from Philadelphia, PA.

A2P Mir first began creating music back in the year 2007. Initially he found it to be a personal therapy and a way to vent. He tended to keep his music to himself for personal listen, sharing with very few others. Quoted from an interview, “My reason for doing music is I always loved music and it always felt like my peace away from everything”. He recalled experiences of his mind being clear and at peace whenever in the studio or behind a mic.

In year 2010 A2P Mir began venturing into other genres of music, still mainly based around rap. He dropped his first mixtape on DatPiff named “Right in Vol.1” in 2011, consisting of 11 tracks. 2 years later he released “Right in Vol.2” on the same platform, consisting of 14 tracks. Following this release he took a period to focus on life.
In 2015 A2P Mir released another mixtape titled “Times Ain’t The Same Vol.1”, which received lots of positive feedback from the general public. 6 years later A2P Mir began to find a new outlook on music. Quoted from an interview, “It wasn’t until around May 2021 when I started having the “What if” feelings. Like what if I start taking music very serious putting my all in to it this time”.
Currently, A2P Mir is more active than ever in the music scene. Always in the studio or behind the mic, he is consistently putting his work out there for the ears of the world. He is an artist to be on the lookout for in the upcoming future.