J Gervin is a 35 year old recording artist hailing from Gonzales, Texas.

He first began creating music during middle school. He would freestyle over beats and record them to a tape. He had friends who all said they liked his music and told him to consider a career. I began recording on a computer soon after and has lots of memories with his family related to music.

J Gervin creates music with a blend of classic oldies (50s and 60s) song structure simplicity, along with old school (80s, 90s) Hip Hop, Harmonies, and Rock/Pop. His most successful track to date is titled “The Stars” which reached 3M streams on spotify. There are many sounds and moods that inspire him, some of which include solid bass line, upper-mid to lower-high frequencies, trance-like headnodic, and spacey feelings.

A note from the artist: “”The Burner” EP dropped 11/18/22 and the first record “Under My Seat” has a video coming soon; release date of the video TBD. This is one of several projects and events I am going to be a part of in what is to come, I have a M.ed — Athletic Coaching, I teach/coach full time, co-own a pro basketball organization, and working to become a day-trader/investor.